Questions for MRS OSWALD CHAMBERS by Michelle Ule

  1. The opening chapter of this book highlights Biddy’s interrupted schooling due to illness, brought about by the pollution from smoke and fog in the atmosphere. Are there any similarities in the modern lifestyle or have we overcome these problems?
  2. Where did Biddy meet Oswald and how did they plan their future?
  3. What did BTC stand for and how did it come into being?
  4. It seems Oswald’s life was his work even when on holidays. He did not seem to want any time to himself like we do.  Does this indicate something about our faith or relationship to God?
  5. When Oswald joined the YMCA and served in Egypt in WWI, it seemed extraordinary in hindsight that his wife and child would be allowed to live there with him. How did this experience mould the family?
  6. How did the YMCA cater for the soldiers and do you know any families who may have been impacted by the YMCA’s care? How did they care for Biddy after Oswald’s death?
  7. The team that supported the Chambers’ family continued to stay connected for the whole of Biddy’s life. Does letter writing make for greater connections, or do you think prayer and bible study together were the reason for their bond?
  8. Typing and researching notebooks for the purpose of producing books and pamphlets for the world, seemed to consume the rest of Biddy’s life? What other tasks did she expect to do as a single mum?
  9. How was Kathleen affected by her father’s early death and what work did she give her life to after she became a Christian?
  10. Was there any part in the story where you felt that God’s work continued despite incredible difficulties? Does this give you confidence that in our ungodly world the Lord will bring about his purposes?


Mrs Oswald ChambersMRS OSWALD CHAMBERS :

the woman behind the World’s bestselling devotional

by Michelle Ule 


 Among Christian devotional works, My Utmost for His Highest stands head and shoulders above the rest, with more than 13 million copies sold. But most readers have no idea that Oswald Chambers’s most famous work was not published until ten years after his death. The remarkable person behind its compilation and publication was his wife, Biddy. And her story of living her utmost for God’s highest is one without parallel.

Bestselling novelist Michelle Ule brings Biddy’s story to life as she traces her upbringing in Victorian England to her experiences in a WWI YMCA camp in Egypt. Readers will marvel at this young woman’s strength as she returns to post-war Britain a destitute widow with a toddler in tow. Refusing personal payment, Biddy proceeds to publish not just My Utmost for His Highest, but also 29 other books with her husband’s name on the covers. All the while she raises a child alone, provides hospitality to a never-ending stream of visitors and missionaries, and nearly loses everything in the London Blitz during WWII.

The inspiring story of a devoted woman ahead of her times will quickly become a favorite of those who love true stories of overcoming incredible odds, making a life out of nothing, and serving God’s kingdom.